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The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Crypto Business

Image Written by: Vitaly Makarenko

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Vitaly Makarenko

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11 minutes


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    In the ever-evolving world of finance, cryptocurrency has carved a niche for itself, rapidly growing from a concept to a significant player in the financial sector. The prospects within the crypto industry, especially for those considering launching brokerages and trading platforms, are immense. This guide delves deep into the practical steps and nuances of establishing a firm footing in this vibrant space.

    Understanding the Crypto Businesses

    The cryptocurrency industry is a vast realm, comprising myriad segments such as miners, developers, traders, and enthusiasts. Yet, among all these entities, brokerages shine with unparalleled significance.

    Brokerages act as the bridge between the average person and the often complex world of cryptocurrency. Through brokerages, individuals can easily buy or sell cryptocurrencies without dealing with the intricacies of direct trading on crypto exchanges. They simplify the trading process, abstracting the technicalities and presenting users with an accessible platform.

    Driving Liquidity and Market Stability

    Brokerages play a critical role in ensuring market liquidity. Liquidity in the crypto world refers to the ease with which an asset can be quickly bought or sold without causing significant price fluctuations. High liquidity levels suggest a more stable market, where large trades won’t cause sudden, drastic price changes. Trading platforms and firms, with their continuous high-volume trading activities, ensure that there’s always a buyer or seller at any given time, enhancing market depth and stability.

    Growth and Evolution of the Crypto Brokerage Market

    Over the past few years, the crypto brokerage market has witnessed significant growth. As the number of individuals interested in cryptocurrency trading rose, so did the demand for platforms that made trading straightforward and hassle-free. This rising interest is not just a trend but is backed by concrete numbers. The global cryptocurrency market cap, which was once a modest figure, has soared into the trillions at its all-time peak, showcasing the immense financial movement within this domain.

    Furthermore, as cryptocurrency becomes increasingly mainstream, more institutional investors are entering the fray. These entities often look for brokerages that can handle large trades without affecting market prices, further underlining the importance of robust and reliable crypto brokerages.

    With global acceptance of cryptocurrencies on the rise, we’re only at the tip of the iceberg regarding potential growth. As more nations start recognizing and regulating digital currencies, the barriers to entry will decrease, leading to even more participation in the crypto market. Brokerages and trading firms will undoubtedly play a central role in this future, guiding individual and institutional investors through the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency.

    Preliminary Steps Before Starting Your Crypto Brokerage

    Embarking on a journey to establish a crypto brokerage or trading firm is no small feat. Like any business venture, a solid foundation is essential. This foundation is formed through meticulous planning, strategic foresight, and a keen understanding of the market landscape. Before diving deep into the operational facets of your business, certain preliminary steps must be addressed to set the stage for a successful and sustainable enterprise.

    Market Research

    Before you even consider the logistics of your business, you must first truly understand the market. This isn’t merely about recognizing competitors, though that’s essential. It’s about immersing yourself in the crypto ecosystem, discerning its ebbs and flows. Consider the crypto brokerages that currently dominate the landscape. What services do they offer? More importantly, where do they fall short? 

    By actively engaging with platforms, forums, and community discussions, you can unearth the challenges traders face and the deficiencies they feel are present in current platforms. But market research isn’t static. Cryptocurrencies are inherently volatile, with market dynamics shifting almost daily. Beyond price changes, the industry itself is evolving, with new technologies, changing regulations, and innovative trading strategies continually emerging.

    Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition

    In a saturated market, standing out is paramount. So, what makes your brokerage unique? Is it the promise of unparalleled transaction speeds, or perhaps a wider array of cryptocurrencies for trading? Or maybe it’s not about the tangible services but the intangible experience. Consider the value of a groundbreaking analytics dashboard, a tool that offers traders insights they can’t find anywhere else. 

    Alternatively, think about the novice traders, those overwhelmed by the intricate world of cryptocurrencies. They’d gravitate towards a platform that educates, guides, and supports. Offering webinars, informative articles, or tutorial videos might be the very USP that distinguishes your platform.

    Building a Team

    Technology and strategy are pivotal, but it’s the people behind them that truly drive a business forward. The importance of a proficient team, especially in the complex crypto world, can’t be overstated. Your blockchain experts will be the ones crafting the very essence of your platform, ensuring everything runs smoothly, securely, and efficiently. Then there are your trading analysts. Their role goes beyond merely keeping an eye on market trends. They offer invaluable insights, guiding traders and enhancing the overall credibility of your platform. 

    And let’s not forget customer service. In the digital age, a personal touch goes a long way. Prompt resolutions, active engagement, and a genuine interest in helping users can be the distinguishing factor that builds brand loyalty.

    Legal and Regulatory Considerations for Crypto Brokerages

    Entering the crypto market isn’t just about business strategies; it’s also about ensuring legal and regulatory compliance.

    The regulations that govern the crypto world are as varied as the nations that implement them. In the United States, for instance, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) often views specific cryptocurrencies as securities, thereby subjecting them to a stringent set of regulations. Contrast this with regions like Singapore or Malta, where crypto regulations are designed to foster innovation while ensuring consumer protection. 

    It’s not just about understanding these regulations; it’s about comprehending their implications. What does operating under the SEC mean for a crypto brokerage regarding reporting, transparency, and investor protection? And how do the more lax regulations in other regions translate to business operations, customer acquisition, and growth potential? By thoroughly grasping these nuances, brokerages can tailor their operations to align with both regulatory mandates and market demands.

    Securing Necessary Licenses

    It’s one thing to be aware of the regulations and another to comply with them actively. For crypto brokerages, this means securing the necessary licenses and permits to operate legally. This process can be exhaustive, often requiring a deep dive into the business’s operations, financial health, and the credentials of its key personnel. The significance of these licenses extends beyond mere legality. In the eyes of potential clients, a fully licensed brokerage is synonymous with credibility and trustworthiness. It sends a clear message: this platform prioritizes the safety of its users and their investments.

    Maintaining Compliance

    Regulations in the crypto space are not static—they evolve, reflecting the market’s dynamism, technological advancements, and lessons learned from past market events. For brokerages, this means that compliance is an ongoing journey. It’s about constantly staying updated with the latest regulatory changes, adapting operations accordingly, and ensuring that every facet of the business—from transaction protocols to user data protection—adheres to these changes. Beyond this, there’s the practical aspect of renewing licenses and permissions, which may entail periodic audits, financial disclosures, and operational reviews.

    In the crypto universe, regulatory compliance is both a shield and a beacon. It shields brokerages from potential legal pitfalls and reinforces their credibility in users’ eyes. As the market continues to mature, those brokerages that prioritize, uphold, and champion regulatory compliance will invariably stand out, attracting discerning users who value security and transparency.

    Setting Up the Infrastructure for Your Crypto Business

    The infrastructure of a crypto business isn’t just the bedrock upon which it’s built; it’s the machinery that drives growth, establishes credibility, and ensures sustainability. From the tech stack that underpins your platform to the risk management protocols that protect your clients, every element needs meticulous planning and execution.

    Technology and Platform

    In a world where milliseconds can mean the difference between profit and loss, the importance of a reliable trading platform can’t be overstated. But what does this entail? 

    For starters, a user-friendly interface that allows traders, both novice and experienced, to navigate seamlessly. This is complemented by robust backend algorithms that ensure swift and precise order execution. 

    Then comes the question of security. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, your platform needs state-of-the-art encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits to ensure that user funds and data are always protected.

    Liquidity Management

    A brokerage or trading firm’s vitality hinges on its liquidity. It’s what ensures that traders can execute their buy or sell orders without undue price slippage or delays. How is this achieved? By partnering with multiple liquidity providers. This ensures a diverse and abundant pool of assets, enabling the platform to handle large volumes of simultaneous transactions without affecting the market price adversely. Remember, in the eyes of a trader, liquidity translates to trust.

    Risk Management

    The volatile nature of cryptocurrencies is both their allure and their Achilles heel. Price swings that might seem erratic to the layman are patterns to seasoned traders. However, these fluctuations also introduce significant risks. To mitigate this, a crypto business must have robust risk management tools in place. These could range from setting trading limits to offering features like stop-loss orders that automatically sell a cryptocurrency once its price falls to a certain level. Furthermore, continuous trader education about the inherent risks can foster a culture of informed trading.

    Gaining Trust in the Crypto Community

    Trust is the cornerstone of any successful financial venture, more so in the nascent and often misunderstood world of cryptocurrency. A business might have the most advanced platform, but if it doesn’t foster trust, it’s bound to face hurdles. Building a bond of trust with the crypto community requires more than just reliable services. It involves a consistent effort to engage, educate, and be transparent with your users.

    Transparency Initiatives

    The crypto sphere, despite its promise, has often been marred by dubious activities, such as the Terra Luna and the FTX collapses. In such a climate, being transparent can set your business apart. How can you achieve transparency? 

    By embracing regular public audits, you provide verifiable proof of your business’s legitimacy and integrity. Furthermore, clearly detailing your fee structures ensures users don’t feel short-changed or surprised. Open communication channels, be it through regular updates, newsletters, or direct engagement, reinforce that your business has nothing to hide and is committed to user satisfaction.

    Providing Comprehensive Educational Content

    Knowledge is empowerment. In the volatile world of cryptocurrency, informed decisions can mean the difference between profits and losses. Hence, a platform that provides its users with educational resources stands out. From beginners grappling with the basics to professionals looking to refine their strategies, tailored content can cater to all. Webinars, how-to guides, market analysis, and interactive tools not only elevate your platform’s value but also strengthen user trust, as they see a firm that’s invested in their growth and success.

    Engagement Strategies

    The dynamism of the crypto community is unparalleled. Here, engagement isn’t a one-time affair but an ongoing dialogue. Active participation in community forums can provide insights into user needs and market trends. Regular updates on social media platforms not only keep your users informed but also underscore your firm’s presence and activity in the crypto sphere. 

    Moreover, hosting or attending crypto events allows direct interaction, feedback collection, and showcasing of your platform’s features and advantages. It’s more than just marketing—it’s about fostering community and belonging among your users.

    Leveraging White Label Services for Crypto Business Launch

    In today’s dynamic crypto environment, launching a brokerage or trading platform from scratch can be a Herculean task. From developing the platform’s core architecture to ensuring security and regulatory compliance, the challenges can seem insurmountable. This is where white label solutions step in as a game changer.

    White label services provide ready-to-use platforms or products that businesses can rebrand and sell as their own. Think of it as leasing a fully furnished apartment, which you can customize with your unique touch, rather than building one from the ground up. In the crypto realm, these services offer a fully operational trading platform, equipped with all the necessary functionalities.

    • Swift Market Entry

    One of the most significant advantages of white label solutions is the speed of deployment. Since the core infrastructure is already in place and tested, businesses can bypass the extensive developmental phase. This ensures not just a faster go-to-market strategy, which can be implemented in as little as two weeks, but also a timely response to market demands and trends.

    • Cost Efficiency

    Building a trading platform from scratch isn’t just an intricate endeavor; it’s also a notably expensive one. With developmental, testing, security, and foundational costs considered, the financial outlay can quickly escalate to around $150,000. On the contrary, white label solutions present a cost-effective alternative. With a one-time setup or a subscription-based fee system, these services can be availed for approximately $20,000. Not only do they offer significant savings, but they also ensure that businesses don’t have to compromise on the quality and reliability of their platform.

    • Customization and Branding

    Even though the foundational platform is pre-built, white label services offer ample room for customization. Businesses can infuse their branding, introduce unique features, and tailor the user interface to resonate with their brand ethos and market strategy.

    • Ensured Security and Compliance

    Since experts in the field develop these platforms, they come with built-in security measures, often adhering to industry best practices. This alleviates the burden of ensuring top-notch security for the business. Additionally, many white label solutions are designed to comply with prevailing regulations, reducing the complexities of legal adherence for businesses.

    • Continuous Support and Updates

    Opting for a white label service is not just about acquiring a platform; it’s about entering into a partnership. Service providers often offer continuous support, addressing technical glitches, rolling out updates, and ensuring the platform stays abreast with the latest crypto technology and trends.


    The journey of starting a crypto business, particularly brokerages and trading platforms, is promising. While challenges exist, with the right strategies, continuous learning, and adaptability, success is not just a possibility; it’s a guarantee. For potential entrepreneurs, the crypto world offers a lucrative opportunity. The key lies in leveraging the right insights, tools, and expertise.

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